A new resource for clinicians providing multidisciplinary, ready-made trauma education that can be delivered locally.
Simulation Education Program - Online SEP-OL
From $0
Technical Simulation Training TST
From $150
Fundamentals of Debriefing FOD
Ultrasound Guided Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation USGPIVC
From $275
Focused Cardiac Ultrasound Transthoracic Echocardiography - Self Directed Course FCU-TTE
From $750
Speech Pathology Observational Tracheostomy Scenarios SPOTS
From $135
Physiotherapy and Critical Care Management PaCCMan
From $1,000
Recognising and Responding to Clinical Deterioration in Adults RRCD-A
Electrocardiograph (ECG) rhythm interpretation ECG-Online
Introduction to Peripheral Intravenous Cannulation IPIC-Online
Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy Course CPC
Advanced Life Support Recertification 2025 ALSR
From $325
Queensland Trauma Education Course QTEC
From $200
BASIC + ICU Simulation BASIC Sim
From $910